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Writer's pictureCoastsideBuzz

Half Moon Bay Planning Commission Approves 555 Kelly Farmworker Housing on Third Try at Midnight; Project now Moves to City Council Next Week

Full Agenda for May 14th, 2024 with Attachments

Staff Recommendation:

1. Determine that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA under Class 32 (Infill Development Projects) in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15332; and

2. Approve PDP-23-034, an application for a Coastal Development Permit and Architectural Review for a new five-story building with forty (40) residential units for senior farmworkers that are affordable to extremely low and very low income households and associated lot line adjustment to reconfigure the driveway at Kelly Avenue, based upon the Findings and Evidence contained in Exhibit A and subject to the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit B. The building will contain on-site property management offices for Mercy Housing, developer and manager of the affordable units, a 2,658 square foot Farmworker Resource Center operated by Ayudando Latinos A Soñar (ALAS) to serve the building residents and farmworker community, and an 18-space ground-floor parking garage.

Supplemental Staff Report for 5/14/2024 about 555 Kelly Avenue – Coastal Development Permit and Architectural Review for 40-unit affordable multifamily residential project with 2,653 square foot Farmworker Resource Center, File No. PDP-23-034.

Letter from State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Housing Accountability Unit Chief

RE: City of Half Moon Bay, 555 Kelly Avenue Project – Letter of Support and Technical Assistance

Dear Chair Margaret Gossett, Vice Chair Hazel Joanes, and Planning Commissioners David Gorn, Rick Hernandez, and Steve Ruddock

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) understands the City of Half Moon Bay (City) Planning Commission will hold its third public hearing for the proposed 100-percent affordable housing project to be located at 555 Kelly Avenue (Project). The purpose of this letter is to express HCD’s support of the Project and to provide notice to the City that delaying action or denying the Project may result in the violation of one or more state housing laws as described below.

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